I am so excited!! We are going camping in November with UPC! I registered today on-line and paid the fee to reserve our camping spot at Fort Wilderness! Scott & I did not get to take the kids on any summer vacations this past summer, due to budget constraints, so this will hopefully sort of make-up for a boring summer! The best part is that I invited my good friend from work, Su, and her family. She and her husband have two boys around the same ages as our kids. I know they will have a blast! We already have a tent we purchased from when we were first married without kids. It has two rooms in it, so we can put the kids in one of the sections. You can divide it off using a zipper enclosure attached to the inside of the tent. Scott and I came up to Fort Wilderness twice before in years past when my mom and her former husband went camping with UPC. They always camped out in their camper trailer. We would come up just for the day to play and eat and have fun. But, now we are going to be the ones actually camping and staying overnight for two nights. I can't wait!!!