Well, I realized that I have not written anything on my blog page in quite a while, so this is more or less a "filler" until I have something really great to say...
I am happy to report that so far, it seems that 2007 is off to a great start for our family! I feel as if there is finally some sunshine in our lives with no clouds on the horizon...no chance of rain or storms in sight! It has been a LONG time since I have been able to honestly say that I feel like we are out of the dry desert and stormy period of our lives. Hey, does that even make sense? Sounds like an oxymoron...how can you be in a dry desert and a stormy period at the same time? Oh, well, you get the picture!
We took a relaxing and refreshing trip during the first week of January up to Black Mountain, North Carolina with the kids and stayed with my mother and step-father in their cozy little getaway there! Amazingly, we all had a great time and no one was stressed out! We did lots of fun things, of which, you can read about and see some great photos on Scott's blog page...just click onto the sidebar link to "Serotonin Drip" to see and read all about it.
I must confess, even though it seems as if we are entering a period of calm and hope and dare I say, perhaps a smidge of prosperity in our lives, I still find myself tip-toeing and looking over my shoulder wondering when the storm clouds and lightning will come crashing around me again? It's like that movie title, "Waiting to Exhale". I feel like I can begin to exhale and have true hope again for the future, but at the same time, I am quite a bit gun-shy about it. I have battle scars and all-too-painful, fresh memories of days without a glimpse of hope in sight to remind me that life, whether as a Christian or not, is not always rosy. I don't know when, how, or where the next storm or season of dryness will hit, and I do admit that I wish I had the certainty of knowing that these times would NEVER come (don't we all?), but, as I grow in my earthly years and in my enduring relationship with God, I am learning to "be content in whatever my circumstances", as Paul referred to in the Bible. My only real hope is knowing that this life is not all God has in store for me! Where would I be without that hope?
I have posted a picture with this blog entry of our three kids that was taken by a river in North Carolina while we were mining for gemstones a couple of weeks ago! It is one of my favorite pictures of them! Enjoy!