I was thinking about this on the way home from work today and thought it was relevant enough to post. It's more like a confession and a question for my blog readers. I often get so worried about what the future holds for me and my family that I have trouble completely trusting in God for all things in my life...the big things, the small details, and everything in between the two. I was reading through my In Touch daily devotion by Charles Stanley the other day and I found myself so anxious to see what the future holds, that I kept peeking and reading days ahead of the current date just to see if the message contained some kind of hint as to the days and weeks ahead for me and my life. I realized that I do that A LOT! It's not uncommon for some of the daily devotions to contain some message or spiritual lesson that applies directly to my life on that given day. So, I find it all too tempting to try to "see" what may lie ahead in the form of what types of upcoming devotional lessons await me in the coming month. It's really like a barometer test for me...to see if there are nasty storms still up ahead or if there are peaceful, calm and blissful times ahead for me and my family? It seems that most of the devotions I've been reading lately always have to do with how to trust God in the storms of life, or relying on God to provide for you even in the darkest of times, etc. The bottom line is that I dread thinking that the week ahead may have messages all revolving around getting through some tough times in my life. When I skip the current day's lesson and read what's up ahead in the next few days, I get even more discouraged if it's not something that seems like good times ahead for me. I find myself not wanting to go back and read the devotional anymore until I start to see some lessons that deal more with the lighter side of things in my spiritual walk. That, my friends, is an utter lack of trust in the Lord if I've ever heard one! So, why after all these years of being a Christian do I still struggle with trusting God COMPLETELY for the things in my life? So what if there are more storms in the near future waiting for me? With God as my provider, my comforter and guiding me along the path He has already chosen for me, what's really to worry about...right?
Here's my question folks...does anyone else do things like that? I'm sure it's safe to say that at least some of you still have some trouble trusting God completely on every level, but then again, maybe that's not such an issue for so many others. If you struggle in a similar fashion in your daily walk with God, Iet me hear a bit about your experiences and feelings on the issue! Thanks, friends!