Just wanted to post something about one of my new favorite places...it's a little store called,
"Ten Thousand Villages".I first visited one while on Spring Break recently in Black Mountain, North Carolina. The location there is technically in Montreat, a very tiny town complete with its own college, too. There is also a location for "Ten Thousand Villages" here in Winter Park, Florida, located on Park Avenue. I visited that one, as well, recently after returning from Spring Break!
What I love about the store is the unique and one-of-a-kind gifts and hand-made treasures you find from literally all over the world. The concept behind the store is that they hire people from countries and villages all over to create their hand-made specialty items and price them at a very affordable price for the consumer. It gives the workers a fair wage for their hard work and creates some kind of income for those who may live in less fortunate areas of the world. The employees of the local stores are actually volunteers and do not get paid, as far as I know. It's simply a pleasure I suppose, knowing that you are helping out others who are less fortunate for their own livelihoods. Their items are just lovely and I feel almost as if I am visiting a marketplace while on vacation in some exotic destination or something when I look through all the unique finds. Many of the smaller items are reasonably priced so that you can own some very unique treasures without paying through the roof. I am including some pictures of some of my favorite items that I have purchased there so far and the prices I paid. When you have the time, check out their website and take a look at a broader sample of what they offer. I like the idea that I am helping others around the world who need income by purchasing their diligently crafted treasures!
This little bracelet set is just darling for a gift for a little girl. It is only about $8 and contains brightly sparkling little bangle bracelets inside of a precious organza drawstring pouch. It was made in India.

This stretch bracelet is one of my personal favorites. I bought one for about $9 and it fits perfectly...not too tight or too loose on my wrist. It was made in India.

This lovely wooden bowl is technically listed as a salad bowl. But, it is quite small and would make a lovely centerpiece filled with your favorite decorative stones, potpourri or anything festive really. It is beautifully lacquered and only cost me $7! It was made in Nicaragua.

This little coin purse is my favorite! I don't know why, maybe it's because I love the color pink and brown, which this has on it. It is primarily made with sequins and small beadwork. It was only $8 and was made in India. It has a silk backside and really fits well in any size purse you have. It's good for keeping receipts or money, lipstick, etc.

This crocheted purse is my FAVORITE! It was made in Peru and cost $58. I treated myself to this as a present with some recent bonus $ I received at work. It has a drawstring closure and is lined on the inside. It also has brown suede along the outer edge, as well as a suede shoulder strap. What a unique little purse. I love the buckle strap, which allows me to adjust the length of the purse while on my shoulder.

This lovely fabric picture frame was made in Vietnam and cost $20. I love the brown color! They also have several other versions that are similar in style. In fact, one version has three cranberry-colored fabric frames lined up one above the other and connected by ribbon between each frame to give it that triptic, stylish look.

This chip and dip bowl priced at $54 and was made in Vietnam. I have not bought this yet, but I thought I would show it here just as a sample of some of the creative and beautiful pieces you can find to add to your home decor and for hosting future gatherings.

This date palm basket/tray was made in Bangladesh and I got it on clearance sale for only $12. I thought it made a lovely carrying tray for virtually anything, such as my card-making craft supplies. But, you could also use it decoratively on a table with candles displayed inside or a pretty handkerchief. It's very soft and flexible, which I personally love.

This last basket makes a wonderful decorative basket which could be used for any purpose. It has navy blue colored palm leaves mixed in with the natural look and has pretty ceramic handles. This one is currently on sale on their website for $8 and was made in Vietnam, too.