I hate to admit this...but on the other hand, I think it's good to confess that sometimes I go through phases in my life where I feel bored. Is it actually possible to be so caught up in the mundane activities of life, the curve balls life throws at you, and all the ups and downs of daily living, that one can actually still feel BORED with their life? I mean, as a mother of three young children and a part-time working mom, you'd think I would not have time to actually be BORED with my own life. I feel selfish in even admitting it to myself, let alone God! I mean, after all, we live in perhaps, one of the most blessed and fortunate countries on this Earth. With all the modern-day conveniences that technology has brought our way, how could I ever even think of being bored with my life?
Well, that's where I found myself a few days ago...flat out, completely BORED! It's like I am still waiting for something exciting to happen! In fact, I feel like I have been waiting for while for something to come along and truly engage me in a positive way. So, the other night I actually did a Google search on the web by typing in the words, "Christians who are bored with life". I was surprised to actually see many links under this type of subject search! One really interesting website that I stumbled upon in my quest for adventure was the website, www.lifeswitch.org
As I clicked throughout this pretty cool, interactive website, I found that this is actually an organization you can sign up through and after filling out some information, they will match you up with a host family or person/s in some other country in the world based on your preferences for climate, region, and general landscape. To be honest, I actually thought it was just one of those web quizzes where you simply fill out a brief questionnaire and they will tell you what country and profession around the world you would most likely enjoy. I actually did fill out a simple survey and this website told me that I would be best suited for the country Bolivia. I know the name, but know nothing about this region of the world or exactly where it's located on the map. The interesting thing is that this web site appears to be for real! In other words, someone who for example, works as a stock broker in New York may actually take their questionnaire and find out that he/she is best suited to become a coffee bean farmer in Argentina! And it appears as though this organization will actually make your dream happen! I think it is some sort of Christian faith-based organization started in the U.K. In reading some of the testimonies, I was amazed to see that some people have actually had life-changing experiences through this concept! Now, considering that I was born and raised and am still living in Orlando, it is safe to assume that at some point in my life, I would like to live elsewhere, if for no other reason than for the sake of a change of scenery. But, to actually contemplate the idea of picking up and leaving my present life behind and starting fresh somewhere completely new is something that does scare me a bit. I guess if I ever really get THAT bored, I could truly give the idea more consideration. But, since I am married and have a family, obviously such a life change would not be so easy. It may not even be the best thing for me at this time.
But, I did think this website was worth mentioning and I thought I would pass the website on to anyone else who happens to be bored with life, too! Heck, even if you only visit the website and dream about a new way of life, give the website a visit! In the very least, it will give you something to think about for fun! Oh, and if you do happen to fill out their brief survey while visiting the site, let me know by posting to my blog here which country they say best suits your preferences? I'd love to see what others have for their results! Don't worry, to do this preliminary questionnaire, you don't have to fill out any names or addresses or anything personal about yourself.