Welcome to our new blog site template! I was getting tired of the Pepto Bismol pink look from the previous design, so I changed things up a bit. It was supposed to be a rose color and normally, I like rose, but somehow, it just didn't seem soothing to the eyes. So, I thought the green layout is more my style for now.
Today's entry is a bit strange. But, since so many others freely express their health issues from time to time, here goes...It's a Fungus Amongus, that is...a fungus among us. More accurately, it's a fungus among me. I had a revelation today while sitting at my desk at work. I was thinking about how for some reason, I just wasn't all that hungry today like I normally am. I had just gone down to the Nature's Table cafeteria to get some lunch and the only thing I seemed to want was a salad for lunch. That might not sound so odd, except for the fact that I rarely eat just a salad for a meal. Come to think of it, Saturday night, all I wanted for dinner was a salad. I didn't want any heavy, greasy, meat-filled dinner like I usually do. Yesterday, I craved green bean casserole, like the kind you make for Thanksgiving dinner! So, for Sunday dinner, I made green bean casserole with roast beef. What's with all the green vegetable cravings all of a sudden? I am not normally a big vegetable eater. In fact, quite the opposite! I prefer my sweets, carbs, and fats most of the time. I am a junk food junkie...it's no secret. Back to my original topic about a fungus. I was pondering the sudden interest in light meals and preference for vegetables and then it hit me! I have been taking an antifungal prescription medication for the past three days called Diflucan. It is to help cure a chronic yeast problem that I have been battling for over a year now. Actually, come to think of it, I have always had off-and-on yeast battles. I have also had frequent problems with Athlete's Foot that flares up from time to time. Athlete's Foot is also caused by a fungus..it's a variation of the Candida fungus. But, since I have been taking the Diflucan, it has miraculously cured all of those annoying symptoms associated with various yeast problems.
In the past, I have researched extensively about this little bugger on the internet. I have found out that Candida Albicans, the organism typically responsible for yeast infections, thrives on sugar in the body to survive. We all have a certain amount of yeast occurring naturally in the body, particularly women. However, when the ratio of normal levels gets out of whack due to things such as being on antibiotics for any reason, candida is likely to overgrow. Thus, a yeast infection develops. Yeast symptoms are not just associated with female problems. Yeast can cause serious upset in the digestive tract of anyone. Well, ever since I can remember, I have always had cravings for sweets. I am a "sweet-tooth" eater. It's a vicious cycle. You crave the sweets and consume the sugary foods, which in turn help keep the yeast alive and well in your body. This perpetuates the annoying yeast symptoms, such as the itching, burning, scaly skin associated with Athlete's Foot, etc. Diflucan is one of the only treatments that effectively and promptly treats my yeast problems (this sounds like a commercial, I know). The only problem is that since the typical course of treatment prescribed by most doctors is only one or two days, the symptoms almost always come back for me in due time.
Well, this time I have decided to take Diflucan for several days in a row, thereby extending the length of time overall that I am taking it. That must explain why I am noticing a sudden change in my eating habits. I mean, I truly am not craving the sugars quite as much as I normally do. My only hope is that somehow I can eradicate this little fungus from my system permanently. I know it will always be present in my body, but I am hoping to get it well under control and somehow keep it in check this time!
What do the doctor's say you should do? Do they suggest a stronger medicine? I wish I could erradicate my urge for sugar! :) Good luck killing off the fungus.
Well, unfortunately, my regular OB/GYN is a "by-the-book" physician. If she doesn't see clinical evidence at the time of her exam, she easily dismisses my complaints about the issue. I am going to have to see someone else for this in the future, I am certain. I need to find someone who will actually listen to my history and believe all the various symptoms that I have experienced from time to time. I have definitely been frustrated because it seems to be a recurring issue for me. The only problem is that I don't always get all the classic symptoms. I get what I call "pre-cursor" symptoms. In other words, it is just annoying enough for me to recognize it in the beginning stages. But, it doesn't always progress to the classic, full-blown symptoms that most physicians would look for. However, the chronic complaint that I have been experiencing with personally has completely been relieved since I started taking the Diflucan. Therefore, by deductive reasoning, clearly the cause of my annoying symptoms must be caused by yeast somehow. Otherwise, why would I suddenly see a dramatic improvement in my symptoms as soon as I begin taking the Diflucan? And why does it somehow always seem to return after a period of time once I am no longer taking Diflucan? Hmmmmm.....
You know, there is actually alot of truth to what you are saying and experiencing. It is a fungus and maybe even yeast (candida). And the only way you will get rid of it, is to do a Candida diet and take an Anti-fungal, anti-yeast supplement. I would recommend a supplement as oppossed to a medication, because there are no harmful side effects. Currently, Jason, myself, and even Natalie are taking a supplement through our Dr called Allicidin to get rid of some bad bacteria in our guts. I have also recently come across a product called Grapefruit Seed Extract. We just started using it, but it has a wide range of benefits. I got mine through Smartbomb.com. But here is a website that talks about it somemore - http://www.pureliquidgold.com/. I also found the customer's comments very informative.
And also, taking Probiotics will help to get good bacteria in your gut. Which if you have ever been on Anti-Biotics, then that would have killed the bad bacteria (which is what it is designed to do) but the good bacteria as well.
So, anyway, just some thoughts. Hope it is helpful.
Thanks, Jill, for the recommendations on the grapefruit seed extract and the Allicidin! I will definitely look more into some probiotics and other supplements, because obviously, it is time to do something more than what I am currently doing. I'm so tired of the yo-yo effect!
I would like to point you all to www.knowthecause.com for some specific answers to your queries, and a specific plan of action to overcome your maladies. You thought correctly: the fungus, candida albicans, is the root of your problems with your health. I found out about this years ago, but only discovered Doug Kaufmann and his great website in the last 3 years. I have been following the Phase One Diet he outlines on the website, and I am having slow but steady progress in getting back my health.
I also recommend www.swansonvitamins.com for a great source to purchase supplements from, and no, I'm not being paid as an affiliate for any of the recommendations. I just have firsthand experience with them and feel they are terrific to do business with.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all, may God bless and keep you safe in the coming year, and may you come to know the Prince of Peace as well.
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