Well, since I haven't posted a new blog in about two weeks, the only thing I feel like posting right now is about a condition that I feel plagues me every month or so...PMDD. It stands for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. It's like a magnified version of the infamous PMS. The label PMDD has only recently been recognized as a real condition that effects some women right around that "time of the month". It's very cyclical for me and I notice the symptoms easily now that I have diagnosed myself with it. It is literally like one day I am fine and then the next I am in a mental slump that typically lasts 7-14 days. I am already on medication regularly to deal with symptoms of depression that come and go. But, for me, PMDD is markedly more intense in terms of the way it affects my mood. It truly does color my perception of the world and things in a much more negative light. Fortunately, my physician told me that it is perfectly o.k. to double my medication dosage during the week or so prior to my "time of the month" when the symptoms seem to be at their worst. This has definitely helped me the past few months. What I don't like is knowing the difference that the meds make in how I view things as opposed to how I view things if I skip a dose or forget to take it. What's also frustrating is seeing the physical symptoms that surface when I am experiencing PMDD symptoms. I literally feel tired, even if I have gotten a decent night's sleep. I feel totally glum and unmotivated to do anything. I feel as if I can't really think or remember things too clearly either. But, if I double my dose of meds, then it does relieve a majority of those symptoms. I hate that it appears that I function at my best with certain medications. But, I suppose that it is like any other ailment or health problem. Certain things need certain meds to function properly. At least we have science and technology in this day and age to come up with things that help those in need.
Well, that's all I wanted to say about that issue. I just have been in a mental slump for about a week and this, too, shall pass...as they say!
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