Today's blog entry is a simple one, but it's about something that I think is a good reminder for us all, no matter who or where you are in life. There are so many people from all different walks of life who will come in and out of your life the longer you are alive on this earth. This is just a simple reminder to all that it's really important not to judge others. That's easy to say, but much harder to do, I know. Of course, when meeting someone new, we all do our own version of "sizing them up" in our minds...we contemplate where they are coming from in life, what their possible motives might be, or even where they may be at on a spiritual level (whether they are believers in Christ or not). It's normal to think about all of these factors and even if we are not meeting someone new in our lives, I would venture to say it's still common that we do this with the people currently in our lives..those we've known even for a while or just a short while. What we all need to try to remember is that every single one of us is coming from a completely different angle in life. We are coming from broken backgrounds and others not-so-broken. We each carry memories of prior incidents in our own lives with us deep down in our hearts and this shapes how we handle today's situations in life. Some of us may currently be in close communion with our Lord, and others of us may not even have a relationship with the Lord. Still others of us may be somewhere in between...our walks with God may be moving at a slower pace with a few more bumps in the road at any given moment when compared to someone else. Please always remember not to judge another person by what WE think they should be doing in their lives or what WE think about their own personal walks with God. I think that it is awfully presumptuous to apply our own situations to another person's life and continually measure that person by how WE are currently walking with God or how WE once may have handled a particular trial in our own lives while walking with God.
I have titled today's entry "Get out your walking shoes" because I think it serves as somewhat of a reminder that it is nearly impossible to see things from someone's complete point of view or angle unless we have walked not only one mile, but 100 miles or more in THEIR shoes. Now, I am smart enough to know that will likely never happen. No one will ever live the exact same life and be affected by the exact same circumstances, people, and relationships as another. So in light of that well-known fact, please always remember that someone may be down in the trenches in their own life much deeper than you currently are or much deeper than you have ever experienced in your own life. I don't have the answers as to why some people in this life are granted a more enviable stack of cards as compared to another. It is not for me to say how God chooses to use certain trials and circumstances in one's own life to bring that person closer to Him. Knowing this, remember that your deck of cards may currently be much easier to deal with. Not everyone is able to fully communicate the impact that their own circumstances in life are currently affecting them in all areas. To some extent, it's not really necessary for anyone to have to express every single thing they are dealing with to everyone or how it's affecting them at any given time. Although, it certainly helps when others can understand where you are at in life. Keeping this in mind, remember that some people's struggles in life may be more difficult for them to overcome based on any number of factors. It is sometimes hard for me to understand why it is so easy for us to judge others in our lives. And certainly, even if you have your opinions (which we all do), that doesn't mean you have to let it affect how you treat another person to the extent that you may not be treating them in a loving and welcoming manner. Now, obviously, this can't necessarily apply to every single thing, such as condoning actions which are clearly something that does not honor God (abusive situations, etc). But, just remember to view others with the love of Christ in your heart and let God work out the rest in that person's life. Of course, you never know if God may also use your friendship to help another person, too!
That a great reminder! I truly appreciate your insightfulness! I think we all need a daily reminder of Gods acceptance.
P.S. your page looks great!
Oh, thanks! I "revamped" it last week. I figured out how to customize my blogger page finally! I was getting so tired of the boring blue and lack of options for designing my own page. But, blogger recently upgraded everything and converted from beta (not exactly sure what that mean?). Now you have a lot more creative control over the design of your own page. I love it so far! Thanks for your supportive comments!
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