Well, this will surely make an interesting little blog entry for today. I was just driving home from my weekly Panera breakfast and had enjoyed a nice morning cup of coffee, a cinnamon roll, and some time reading the newspaper and working my daily Soduko puzzle. I was relaxed and calm and looking forward to the rest of the day. Not five minutes after getting onto University Blvd. to head back home, I approached the traffic light at the intersection of Alafaya Trail. As soon as my car pulled up into the left-hand turning lane while awaiting a green arrow, I witnessed two men all of a sudden getting out of their vehicles and rolling onto the road in an all-out physical fight. It took me a few seconds to realize exactly what was going on, but the initiator of the whole fight was someone who was driving a white Honda a few cars in front of mine in the turn lane. He was totally attacking this poor Caucasian man who was a taxi driver sitting in the straight lane adjacent to our turning lane. The attacker was throwing full body punches to the taxi driver and they were rolling all around the ground. Suddenly, a bunch of witnesses got out from their cars and ran to assist the taxi cab driver. They managed to get the attacker off the man, but within a few more seconds, he was throwing more punches to the taxi driver. I couldn't believe my eyes! All this happened during the five-minute period while awaiting the green arrow signal to turn. At one moment, I thought I was going to have to pull out of my lane and go around so as not to miss the light. After all, I did not appreciate having to stand by and witness such a brutal attack for no apparent good reason. I have no idea what prompted the Honda driver to attack the taxi cab driver so relentlessly. Perhaps, it was some form of road rage? But, I am absolutely appalled that we all had to witness this from our own vehicles and that during those few moments, there was nothing I could do to stop any of it. Thank goodness the other witnesses were men who were able to jump out and fend off the attacker. Where are the police when you need them? What really upset me even more was that when the light finally turned green, the Honda proceeded through the intersection while the taxi also turned left, even though he was technically in a straight-ahead lane. As I followed not far behind, the taxi eventually got over into the left lane way up ahead of the Honda. But, mercilessly, the Honda sped up to follow the taxi once again. They both made a U-turn on Alafaya, as if to head back towards the intersection where it all started. It was clear to me that the Honda driver was simply being aggressive and antagonistic. I have no idea what would make someone pursue such blatant violence so relentlessly. I mean, if for some reason, the Honda driver was angry that the taxi driver may have cut him off earlier, or whatever, why not just ignore it and keep driving? But, to keep pummeling the taxi driver and then to chase him down once again in his vehicle after the incident was over, seemed absolutely unbelievable to me. It was truly insane and I felt like I was watching some scene out of a movie or something. I sure hope that the taxi cab driver was able to radio in for some help from the police or his taxi cab company or something. I am afraid of what may have happened after I drove on. My reason for blogging this is that I have honestly never witnessed something quite so ridiculous before. I mean, to get of your vehicle while waiting at a turn light and to pursue a physical altercation for an unending period of time is absolutely unnecessary! What has this world come to? It's ridiculous that we all have to live in such a violent and temperamental world these days. And I know, of course, things much worse than this go on all around the world every day. It makes me extremely fearful for my own children, my family, as well as for myself. After all, I never asked to live in a world set up this way. I know as a Christian, there is always hope in a brighter future to come one day, but in the mean time, I resent that I have to live in this filthy world filled with such hatred and blatant disregard for other humans. I am sure it disgusts God much more than it does me! Well, I just thought I would get this "off my chest" and write about what I just witnessed. It makes me sad to see the world around me disintegrating faster and faster as each day passes. :o(
How ridiculous! Honestly I feel the same way you do. What has this world come too? It terrifies me to think about Leighton going to school-I worry about everything. It saddens me to know that we are not even safe on our own homes (or cars) and we have to be witness to such acts of cruelty and stupidity. I know this will be on your mind for some time. Sorry you had to see such ugliness on what was supposed to be your nice relaxing drive home.
I know. Even after thee initial fighting stopped. The driver of the Honda got out of his car all over again and started punching the taxi driver again in the face through the open window while the taxi driver was sitting in his car! I mean, he just wouldn't stop beating the man...it was truly awful!!!!
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