I'd like to introduce you all to some of the other members of our Zoo Crew! I thought the best way to do that is through some interviews...
Meet "Hammy" Williams...aka Hammy "Houdini" Williams
1) Are you a male or female?
2) What's your nickname?
~Hammy Houdini
3) How'd you get that nickname?
~Well, from the beginning, my owners have had many funny challenges trying to keep me inside my hamster cage. I am famous for finding ways to escape!
4) How old are you?
~Well, I was about 6 months old when they bought me from PetSmart, so I guess I am a little over 2 years old now! I think I was born some time in August of 2005.
5) What's your biggest "pet" peeve? LOL
~When my owners figure out where in the house I've escaped and they find me and pick me up and place me back into my hamster cage. I love my freedom!!
6) Do you have any favorite foods?
~Well, my most favorite food to eat is pancake batter! The kids and mom always let me lick their fingers with some pancake batter on it whenever they make pancakes for breakfast! It's especially yummy! I also like carrots, too! One time, I got lucky and found some cheetos inside the family room couch and I got to munch on those until my family caught me...darn it!!
7) Do you have any siblings?
~Well, if I do, I don't remember them. I live by myself, since hamsters prefer to be alone. Although, I do wish I had a mate! But, my mom and dad never seemed to give me a female roommate, so I am a lifelong bachelor, I guess you could say.
8) What's the craziest place you've ever escaped to?
~Well, once I managed to get up underneath the sink in dad's bathroom. I was behind the drywall through this little hole that I found that is where the baseboard, the wall, and the cabinet meet. I had fun because it was dark and no one could find me! I played tricks on my owners and made scratching noises that sounded like I was inside the wall...I laughed and laughed to myself! Then, I got bored and decided to come out and that's when they saw me and found me! There was another time that I thought I'd hide for the entire day underneath the oven in the kitchen inside the muffin tins drawer at the bottom! It was perfect...I stored up my treasures of various food particles and crums I'd found along the way and placed them all around inside the cookie tins and baking pans. Then, that darn housecat, Leo, heard me making noise and he kept meowing! My owners were tipped off to my whereabouts since the cat kept hovering around the stove and meowing. Sure enough, they opened the drawer, looked in and found me...darn it again! But, the craziest place is probably still the family room couch. Like I said before, I found cheetos inside there and dad had a hard time using a flashlight and his hand to reach down inside the fabric in the corner underneath the cushions and stuff to find me!!
1 comment:
Very Cute!
Nice to meet you Hammy!
Love you!
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