Glenridge & WPHS Montage(1986-1991)
Monday, December 01, 2008
My Junior High & High School Montage...
I created this montage last night as a way to include lots of special pictures of memories from junior high and high school with my friends and fellow classmates that I have found on facebook. It is 9 minutes long, so when you have the time, sit down and take a look for fun!

Glenridge & WPHS Montage(1986-1991)
Glenridge & WPHS Montage(1986-1991)
Sunday, November 09, 2008
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about the true meaning of friends. It's a subject that has been on my mind and heart for a while now. Life hands us lots of ups and downs and it seems that people will come and go out of your life at various seasons or stages in your life. Reuniting online through Facebook lately with old acquaintances and friends from junior high school and high school has been such fun in recent months for me! It's as if 17 or more years having passed has seemingly erased a lot of the old grudges, feelings, intentions, and drama from those good ole' days...well, at least the negative feelings anyway! I love being able to reconnect to see where everybody has ended up so far and to be honest, there have been many pleasant surprises! God has certainly been working mightily in many of my old classmates' lives through the years and it is a true delight for me to catch a glimpse of who they are now, albeit online only.
This blog entry is just a way for me to express some of my thoughts about friends and friendships. There have been some situations lately with other people who I know and who I guess I had classified as friends. But, when I go through my mental checklist of what demonstrates true friendship to me, it seems that perhaps, some of these people aren't truly a friend to me. It has been hurtful for me to realize that although I may have considered some of them my friends, they apparently have not felt the same way about me. Or, at least their actions, or lack thereof, have conveyed that message to me. Life presents us all with many challenges, for sure. And I will be one of the first to admit that I am not the best at expressing my gratitude and love I have for the friends in my life on a frequent basis. When the world is made up of so many people with so many different types of personalities and coming from so many kinds of backgrounds and experiences in their own lives, it's easy to see why miscommunication and friendship styles can result in conflicts. But, I truly wish that it was easier for some people to be willing to give of themselves in friendships to others and to not be too afraid of being vulnerable by just being yourself to another person. It's risky, I know, to express your true feelings and thoughts to someone else. It also takes effort and work to create and maintain a friendship that goes beyond the typical, "Hello. How are you doing?" courtesy exchanges.
My LIFE group at church has been working on a study recently about Authentic Relationships. I think it is a great idea for people to discuss and think about creating more authentic relationships in their own lives. The key element I think is the fact that it really is something you have to do yourself. You can't expect a friendship to grow or flourish when only one party is making most, if not all, of the efforts. After all, think about the fact that God is the one who initially seeks us out in order to draw us into a relationship with Him! He initiates the act of establishing an authentic relationship, or a friendship with us. Can you imagine if God never took that first step in any of our lives? Where would we all be? Some of us may very well have ended up stumbling upon Him at some point, just out of curiosity. But, isn't it comforting to know that God is the one who took the first steps to begin a lifelong journey with us? We didn't have to do anything at first. In order for our walk with the Lord to even progress at all from that beginning, we had to step out in faith and make the effort to be vulnerable to Him...isn't that true? Fortunately, even when we seem to lose interest in keeping the lines of communication and relationship open with God, He still waits patiently for us. In fact, He will NEVER leave us! And thank Heaven He doesn't hold grudges, too! But, human friendships aren't quite so foolproof. When one party seemingly ceases to make any effort to keep the friendship going, the relationship can practically wither away and die. It's a sad truth that probably happens more often than we realize. So, I challenge you, my silent blogreaders (LOL), to examine your friendships in your own life currently. If you are feeling like some of your relationships aren't quite all that they could be or if you are wishing that you had more authentic, trusting and faithful relationships, why not step out in faith with a vulnerable heart and take that first step to creating and maintaining a true friendship? I think it's safe to assume that you won't be sorry! It's a win-win situation for everyone! The old saying, "To have a friend, you have to be a friend", comes to mind.
This blog entry is just a way for me to express some of my thoughts about friends and friendships. There have been some situations lately with other people who I know and who I guess I had classified as friends. But, when I go through my mental checklist of what demonstrates true friendship to me, it seems that perhaps, some of these people aren't truly a friend to me. It has been hurtful for me to realize that although I may have considered some of them my friends, they apparently have not felt the same way about me. Or, at least their actions, or lack thereof, have conveyed that message to me. Life presents us all with many challenges, for sure. And I will be one of the first to admit that I am not the best at expressing my gratitude and love I have for the friends in my life on a frequent basis. When the world is made up of so many people with so many different types of personalities and coming from so many kinds of backgrounds and experiences in their own lives, it's easy to see why miscommunication and friendship styles can result in conflicts. But, I truly wish that it was easier for some people to be willing to give of themselves in friendships to others and to not be too afraid of being vulnerable by just being yourself to another person. It's risky, I know, to express your true feelings and thoughts to someone else. It also takes effort and work to create and maintain a friendship that goes beyond the typical, "Hello. How are you doing?" courtesy exchanges.
My LIFE group at church has been working on a study recently about Authentic Relationships. I think it is a great idea for people to discuss and think about creating more authentic relationships in their own lives. The key element I think is the fact that it really is something you have to do yourself. You can't expect a friendship to grow or flourish when only one party is making most, if not all, of the efforts. After all, think about the fact that God is the one who initially seeks us out in order to draw us into a relationship with Him! He initiates the act of establishing an authentic relationship, or a friendship with us. Can you imagine if God never took that first step in any of our lives? Where would we all be? Some of us may very well have ended up stumbling upon Him at some point, just out of curiosity. But, isn't it comforting to know that God is the one who took the first steps to begin a lifelong journey with us? We didn't have to do anything at first. In order for our walk with the Lord to even progress at all from that beginning, we had to step out in faith and make the effort to be vulnerable to Him...isn't that true? Fortunately, even when we seem to lose interest in keeping the lines of communication and relationship open with God, He still waits patiently for us. In fact, He will NEVER leave us! And thank Heaven He doesn't hold grudges, too! But, human friendships aren't quite so foolproof. When one party seemingly ceases to make any effort to keep the friendship going, the relationship can practically wither away and die. It's a sad truth that probably happens more often than we realize. So, I challenge you, my silent blogreaders (LOL), to examine your friendships in your own life currently. If you are feeling like some of your relationships aren't quite all that they could be or if you are wishing that you had more authentic, trusting and faithful relationships, why not step out in faith with a vulnerable heart and take that first step to creating and maintaining a true friendship? I think it's safe to assume that you won't be sorry! It's a win-win situation for everyone! The old saying, "To have a friend, you have to be a friend", comes to mind.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Logan Henderson ("Sky Angel Cowboy")...wise beyond his years!
My mom sent me this link in an email and after watching it, I thought it was worth sharing for anyone who happens to stop by my blog. It's a precious story of a 12-year-old boy named, Logan, who lives on a ranch in Nebraska. What a profound message he has! It's sweet to hear the story...
**Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of my page and press pause on the music playlist first!
**Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of my page and press pause on the music playlist first!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Need a good laugh today?
OK, I am a big supporter of Sarah Palin and I will be voting Republican this election. But, someone I went to high school with sent out this link the other day and I think it's hilarious! Go to the website (sorry, I don't know how to make links work when I post a new blog entry)
It has all these funny things that happen whenever you click on the various items surrounding her in the "Oval Office". I couldn't stop laughing. Be sure to have your sound volume turned on, too. I am not posting this to be disrespectful in any way, so please don't be offended. I am not trying to mock any political agendas or candidates either. I just thought the website is pretty clever and cute and definitely funny!! I guess I just needed a good laugh late last night after our somewhat stressful day. All is good though.
It has all these funny things that happen whenever you click on the various items surrounding her in the "Oval Office". I couldn't stop laughing. Be sure to have your sound volume turned on, too. I am not posting this to be disrespectful in any way, so please don't be offended. I am not trying to mock any political agendas or candidates either. I just thought the website is pretty clever and cute and definitely funny!! I guess I just needed a good laugh late last night after our somewhat stressful day. All is good though.
Monday, October 13, 2008
I caved...
Well, I caved today while shopping for a few things at Publix. I did not want to push around a large grocery cart since I only needed a few things. I made the mistake of thinking that I could actually just carry a few things I needed by hand up to the checkout counter. As usual whenever I make that silly decision, I ended up needing something to carry my stuff in, but had neglected to grab a carry-all basket near the store entrance upon arriving. So, what did I do? Well, I caved and decided to buy a few of those 99cent Publix fabric bags that are non-disposable. I have told myself for years now that I would NEVER spend money on one of those type of things if I had to spend more than $1 for one. After all, for some reason it always bugged me to spend money on a carryout bag. I am not typically a "green" person who is always making sound choices based on saving the environment. In fact, I guess I am what you might call a true American "consumer", in just about every sense of that word.
Anyway, the Publix fabric reusable shopping bags used to be priced at $1.99 a piece for a while. I was not going to spend $10 on five bags. But, today, I relented and decided to spend $4 on 4 bags at 99cents each (actually, that comes out to $3.96 total...LOL). So, I guess I am now one of those "green" people concerned about saving some trees and helping the environment in some small way. I actually bought some in different colors (tan, black and green). We'll see if I end up loving my choice in the future. For now, though, it is just one more thing I will have to keep stored conveniently in my overstuffed minivan. Since I am the type who never remembers to bring along store coupons after taking the time to cut them out, I am also likely to forget to bring these Publix reusable carryout bags to the grocery store, too. The only way this will work out to be a benefit to me is if I keep them constantly stored in the car. Thanks to Cathy Martin ( for the inspiration, by the way (she wrote a blog post about this weeks ago)! It helps knowing that you're not the only one making decisions to go "green"..LOL!
For the record, I am still voting Republican, by the way!! So, don't think I've changed my mind for presidential candidate this coming election...LOL!! And another thing...when are they gonna' add a cents key on the computer keyboards anyway? They have one for the $ symbol.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Things that make me uncomfortable (or in some cases, annoy me)...
Just a random blog entry about things that make me uncomfortable in life...
1) ...sitting inside my car at the Jiffy Lube Express while getting the oil changed in my minivan. I always feel like a "sitting duck" as the men snoop around my engine and come up to my car window to tell me the list of things that should be replaced or repaired on my vehicle. I JUST WANT THE OIL CHANGED!! Please don't try to sell me on other things when all I can afford right now is the oil change. How do I know you're not just taking advantage of me because I'm a female and don't know a lot about cars?
2) ...when you're checking out in the grocery or other store checkout line and the person waiting in line behind you can't seem to stay in their own "body space", but rather they invade your "space" by creeping up right next to you, clearly within eyeshot of your PIN code while using your debit card. I don't like being made to feel like I must hurry up because you are a bit impatient and want to push me through the line in a hurry. There is a reason why the grocery store checkout lines have those separating little plastic bars you use on the conveyor belt. Don't start putting your stuff down on the conveyor when I have barely just begun putting my own items on there. If I have a grocery cart full of stuff, don't put your stuff down before I do. That's being too pushy.
3) ...realizing that 95% of your friends and former classmates on Facebook do not share the same support for presidential candidate as you do. Sometimes, I wish there was a better mix, rather than it seeming like I am the only one who will vote for my candidate this year.
4) ...people who circle the parking lot waiting for an open space and since there are none, instead decide to follow you in their car as you walk to yours when leaving the store. It feels like a stalker when you creep behind me at 1mph while I can hear your engine running right behind me.
5) ...people who don't return the favor, whatever it may be. When you've tried to be a good friend to them in the past in numerous ways, but they can't even reciprocate the kindness to you later on. Why is it so hard for us all to put others before ourselves?
OK, well I got some of those off my chest, so I guess I feel better for now...LOL!
1) ...sitting inside my car at the Jiffy Lube Express while getting the oil changed in my minivan. I always feel like a "sitting duck" as the men snoop around my engine and come up to my car window to tell me the list of things that should be replaced or repaired on my vehicle. I JUST WANT THE OIL CHANGED!! Please don't try to sell me on other things when all I can afford right now is the oil change. How do I know you're not just taking advantage of me because I'm a female and don't know a lot about cars?
2) ...when you're checking out in the grocery or other store checkout line and the person waiting in line behind you can't seem to stay in their own "body space", but rather they invade your "space" by creeping up right next to you, clearly within eyeshot of your PIN code while using your debit card. I don't like being made to feel like I must hurry up because you are a bit impatient and want to push me through the line in a hurry. There is a reason why the grocery store checkout lines have those separating little plastic bars you use on the conveyor belt. Don't start putting your stuff down on the conveyor when I have barely just begun putting my own items on there. If I have a grocery cart full of stuff, don't put your stuff down before I do. That's being too pushy.
3) ...realizing that 95% of your friends and former classmates on Facebook do not share the same support for presidential candidate as you do. Sometimes, I wish there was a better mix, rather than it seeming like I am the only one who will vote for my candidate this year.
4) ...people who circle the parking lot waiting for an open space and since there are none, instead decide to follow you in their car as you walk to yours when leaving the store. It feels like a stalker when you creep behind me at 1mph while I can hear your engine running right behind me.
5) ...people who don't return the favor, whatever it may be. When you've tried to be a good friend to them in the past in numerous ways, but they can't even reciprocate the kindness to you later on. Why is it so hard for us all to put others before ourselves?
OK, well I got some of those off my chest, so I guess I feel better for now...LOL!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I was up late last night after getting off from work and had some thoughts running through my mind that I had thought about recently, but didn't focus much on before. For some reason, since they popped up in my mind again last night, I thought it might make a good post.
I'm writing about the topic of possessions...ya' know, those things we all hold dear and love to think about, purchase, hold onto, and even plan for in the future? A few weeks ago, my family and I was over at my late grandmother's condo trying to sort through her many belongings and decide which family member would inherit various items that had belonged to my grandmother. I remember saying to my mom that old adage, "When you die, you sure can't take these things with you". There were so many collectibles and items that my grandmother had accumulated over her 83 years of living on this earth! I actually didn't realize until a few weeks ago exactly how much my grandmother had an obvious passion for collecting interesting pieces of glass, crystal and china, among other collectibles. My cousins and I were all fortunate enough to have been able to inherit some wonderful pieces of antique furniture and jewelry from my grandmother, after my mom and aunt sorted through their respective inherited items. Since Scott & I clearly have not been able to purchase a larger home as we had hoped a few years ago, we've been trying to make room for some of these newly inherited items at our current home. My grandmother's condo was officially sold and the deal was closed just yesterday.
"Out with the old, in with the new", is a phrase that comes to mind. We've managed to make room for the new furniture and I am happy to see the positive changes that some rearranging and creativity have brought to our home since adding Nanny's furniture. I was going through a mental list in my mind the other day of some of the items that we ended up with and how, coincidentally...or maybe NOT so coincidentally, we've managed to inherit the very items we've had on our wish list for quite some time now. We've been needing a new toaster oven, since ours has been with us since the first year we were married (12 years ago) and was on the fritz...voila! We inherited Nanny's excellent toaster oven which was only a couple of years old since it was purchased brand new for her after having her condo remodeled due to damage from Hurricane Charley in 2004. I've been wanting a nice smooth-top oven range for several years since the one we bought with our house has the older style burners on it...voila! My mom gave us her smooth-top range that's in great shape since she recently purchased some new appliances for herself and no longer needed this particular oven. We've been wanting for quite some time to turn our living room into a cozier setting with some pieces of furniture and a coffee table that would create a more inviting atmosphere...voila! We inherited Nanny's beautiful Italian marble & wood coffee table, along with a great wingback chair that has a lazy-boy recliner in it! We also inherited a very comfortable brown, microfiber/suede-type fabric loveseat that was also a recent purchase of Nanny's to replace some damaged furniture in her condo after the hurricanes in 2004. The list goes on and on of the various items that I've been wanting for a while but have not had the money to justify making any new purchases of them. It is interesting to me that God has provided a way for us to acquire some of these items through my grandmother's passing away.
But, these are just things...possessions. I have always been the type of person who would rather have brand new items than something that's been passed down, mainly because I don't always share the same style or taste that someone else may have. Plus, I just love brand new and unused stuff. Since inherting some of these treasures, it has reminded me that these are all just things. They will not be traveling with me to Heaven in my final home with God. In fact, they can easily be destroyed by disasters and the elements down here on earth. Just think of the latest Hurricane Ike victims in Texas, parts of Louisiana, Ohio and Kentucky. I took a claim over the phone just last night from someone in Texas who literally lost everything in his home due to flooding. Sure, I love to shop for the newest trends and I have no problem spending money...after all, I am a female...LOL!! But, my point is that as humans, we spend so much of our time, thoughts, desires, and resources in pursuit of possessions! While they may seem temporarily gratifying to look at or to have, in the end, they really don't matter at all. I know that is something we already know in our minds. Things don't matter, but people and relationships matter. But, if you take an honest look at yourself, can you identify ways in which many of your everyday stresses, issues, goals and desires for your future revolve around possessions? It takes a lifetime to accumulate all the various, unique items and possessions one can leave to their loved ones once they have passed away. But, when the end of your life arrives and all is said and done, how much is too much? Will my life really be more fulfilled if I make that next bid and purchase on eBay or Craigslist? Sometimes, it is literally just stuff that fills up your house. Don't get me wrong, I love to look at pretty things and I am actually starting to enjoy the idea of acquiring my own collection of antique and vintage items that I find lovely and interesting. But, my heart is truly not at rest or satisfied unless I am pursuing the most precious possession of all...and that is a loving, trusting, peaceful relationship with the One who created me in the first dear Lord, God! It seems that it takes many people an entire lifetime to realize that things don't ultimately satisfy. I admit that pursuing my relationship with God is not always the first priority on my list. But, I am continuing to strive to make it my top priority these days. Only in that will I find real peace and comfort in this ever-changing, unsecure world we live in right now.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Opposites, oxymorons, irony, and all of the above...
I was reading today's devotional from InTouch online, with Charles Stanley. I was struck by the verse...John 12:24..."Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."
I have often noticed that so many of the simple, yet profound spiritual lessons throughout the Bible have one basic concept in common...much of God's ways are opposites! This is no earth shattering realization. Many of you probably have already noticed this trend, too, when reading and absorbing many of the spiritual lessons God has laid out for us. I have been wanting to write down a list of examples of the many ideas in the Bible where God's thinking on things is clearly a pattern of opposites from what you'd expect. But, today's devotional sparked me to finally write a blog entry about this phenomenon. At least, to me, it is very interesting!
You'd think that if a grain of wheat falls to the ground, that it would simply wither away and die, right? From a logical perspective, that's what I would think. But, apparently, today's Bible verse states the exact opposite...that a grain of wheat that falls to the ground bears much fruit! How is that possible? The devotional points out that this lesson deals with being broken by God. In other words, if we are to stand alone, upright, as a grain of wheat, we are actually by ourselves and not going to produce anything. But, it is in our brokenness, like a grain of wheat that is broken and falls to the ground, that God can actually produce much fruit. Think about that concept for a few minutes...a grain of wheat that is broken on the ground can produce a rich crop! I guess the concept behind that is the fact that its seeds would then scatter along the ground, which in turn produces more seeds or grains of wheat to grow in the future. That seems like such opposite thinking from what my mind could think of in that situation. But, alas, God is MUCH smarter and wiser than me! And His ways are definitely higher than my ways!
Another quick example that I am thinking of off the top of my head is the parable in the Bible (Luke 19:11-26) about the servants who were each given an equal share of money (10 minas) by their master before he went away. One servant invested his money and doubled the original share (another 10 minas)! You can bet this master was happy with how this servant managed his share of the money! His master was so happy, in fact, that he put him in charge of ten cities! Another servant told the master that he had earned another 5 minas in interest! So, he was put in charge of five cities. But, the most interesting concept in this parable was the lesson about the third servant who simply put his share of the money away in a cloth for safe-keeping. When I first read this story years ago, I thought, that's good. I'd probably do the same. At least he's not spending it! But, the parable goes on to say that the master was VERY angry with this servant and what he had done with his share of the money. Huh? Why would he be angry at all? It was at this point I was already confused! The parable then explains that the servant did not attempt to increase or multiply his share. Instead, he simply did nothing, produced nothing, and basically wasted a chance to multiply the resources he had been given by his master. Because of this, the master gave this man's 10 minas over to the first servant who already had 10 minas and had earned 10 more in interest! To me, this seemed almost like another lesson about opposite thinking. I would never have originally thought that the third servant would actually be in the most trouble with his master simply by putting his money away for safe-keeping. That's my logical thinking at work. But, God says the opposite! It's not enough to just keep the resources He gives us! We need to make an effort to multiply the resources and gain interest on them by putting them to good use. Hmmm...another story about opposite thinking.
There are so many other concepts in the Bible that seem to demonstrate opposites to me. I will continue to post more about this, but I don't want to take up too much space in one blog post. Otherwise, you may not want to read through it all...LOL!
I have often noticed that so many of the simple, yet profound spiritual lessons throughout the Bible have one basic concept in common...much of God's ways are opposites! This is no earth shattering realization. Many of you probably have already noticed this trend, too, when reading and absorbing many of the spiritual lessons God has laid out for us. I have been wanting to write down a list of examples of the many ideas in the Bible where God's thinking on things is clearly a pattern of opposites from what you'd expect. But, today's devotional sparked me to finally write a blog entry about this phenomenon. At least, to me, it is very interesting!
You'd think that if a grain of wheat falls to the ground, that it would simply wither away and die, right? From a logical perspective, that's what I would think. But, apparently, today's Bible verse states the exact opposite...that a grain of wheat that falls to the ground bears much fruit! How is that possible? The devotional points out that this lesson deals with being broken by God. In other words, if we are to stand alone, upright, as a grain of wheat, we are actually by ourselves and not going to produce anything. But, it is in our brokenness, like a grain of wheat that is broken and falls to the ground, that God can actually produce much fruit. Think about that concept for a few minutes...a grain of wheat that is broken on the ground can produce a rich crop! I guess the concept behind that is the fact that its seeds would then scatter along the ground, which in turn produces more seeds or grains of wheat to grow in the future. That seems like such opposite thinking from what my mind could think of in that situation. But, alas, God is MUCH smarter and wiser than me! And His ways are definitely higher than my ways!
Another quick example that I am thinking of off the top of my head is the parable in the Bible (Luke 19:11-26) about the servants who were each given an equal share of money (10 minas) by their master before he went away. One servant invested his money and doubled the original share (another 10 minas)! You can bet this master was happy with how this servant managed his share of the money! His master was so happy, in fact, that he put him in charge of ten cities! Another servant told the master that he had earned another 5 minas in interest! So, he was put in charge of five cities. But, the most interesting concept in this parable was the lesson about the third servant who simply put his share of the money away in a cloth for safe-keeping. When I first read this story years ago, I thought, that's good. I'd probably do the same. At least he's not spending it! But, the parable goes on to say that the master was VERY angry with this servant and what he had done with his share of the money. Huh? Why would he be angry at all? It was at this point I was already confused! The parable then explains that the servant did not attempt to increase or multiply his share. Instead, he simply did nothing, produced nothing, and basically wasted a chance to multiply the resources he had been given by his master. Because of this, the master gave this man's 10 minas over to the first servant who already had 10 minas and had earned 10 more in interest! To me, this seemed almost like another lesson about opposite thinking. I would never have originally thought that the third servant would actually be in the most trouble with his master simply by putting his money away for safe-keeping. That's my logical thinking at work. But, God says the opposite! It's not enough to just keep the resources He gives us! We need to make an effort to multiply the resources and gain interest on them by putting them to good use. Hmmm...another story about opposite thinking.
There are so many other concepts in the Bible that seem to demonstrate opposites to me. I will continue to post more about this, but I don't want to take up too much space in one blog post. Otherwise, you may not want to read through it all...LOL!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Our Zoo Crew gets even bigger!

Well, it's taken me a while to post this, but I just wanted to share with everyone the news of our newest member of the Williams Zoo Crew! We adopted a dog last Australian Shepherd! We named him "Sydney" because he's Australian and that's a famous city in Australia.
So, how did this happen? Well, we've been debating and talking about getting a puppy or dog for a few years now. We weren't sure when the time would be right, so we thought we'd wait until the mood strikes us and we agree the timing for our family is good. We had seen an Australian Shepherd puppy at a local pet store about 10 months ago. He was adorable and the kids loved him. But, spending $500 was not what we needed to be doing at the time. Scott spent a lot of time researching about that particular breed and felt that he would be interested in this breed if we were to ever get a dog. We wanted a dog that was not small, but not too large either (like a German Shepherd or Labrador Retriever, etc.). I was surfing Craigslist last week and found the picture of Sydney. I showed it to Scott, because the ad said the family was giving him away for free! Scott contacted the owner and had some questions answered and we finally decided to surprise the kids last Friday afternoon by picking up the dog! Sydney was living with a family of five children, so he was used to being around kids and was good with kids...definitely a plus for us! The biggest plus was the fact that he was already housebroken and crate-trained, which means, he had been used to being in a crate if needed should the family need to leave the house. The previous owners said that he was approx. 6 months old and that they needed to find him a family that had a backyard for him to be able to run around in because they had just moved to a brand new home with absolutely no backyard at all for him! Scott went to pick him up on Friday, along with his crate and blanket and other items and he could definitely see that there was no appropriate yard for Sydney, so we felt good about being able to give him a new, loving home environment! I forgot to mention that we had also prayed with the kids during the week that if God wanted our family to be able to adopt him, then He would make it possible for us. Fortunately, it all worked out and we don't have to go through the tough stage of training him to go #1 and #2 outside. That's perhaps a very frustrating stage in raising new puppies. We used to own a small peke-a-poo years ago and I remember the difficulties in training him from the beginning. He also used to chew through all of my shoes! Luckily, Sydney doesn't appear to have these issues so far. We are delighted he has joined our family and I think he is beautiful! He is a tri-colored Aussie. He's mostly black and white, but he also has some areas of tan along his legs, which is what makes him the tri-color. The kids adore him, but our cat, Leo, is still adjusting...LOL!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Confessions of a pessimistic believer in Christ who still has trouble trusting God wholeheartedly at times...

I was thinking about this on the way home from work today and thought it was relevant enough to post. It's more like a confession and a question for my blog readers. I often get so worried about what the future holds for me and my family that I have trouble completely trusting in God for all things in my life...the big things, the small details, and everything in between the two. I was reading through my In Touch daily devotion by Charles Stanley the other day and I found myself so anxious to see what the future holds, that I kept peeking and reading days ahead of the current date just to see if the message contained some kind of hint as to the days and weeks ahead for me and my life. I realized that I do that A LOT! It's not uncommon for some of the daily devotions to contain some message or spiritual lesson that applies directly to my life on that given day. So, I find it all too tempting to try to "see" what may lie ahead in the form of what types of upcoming devotional lessons await me in the coming month. It's really like a barometer test for see if there are nasty storms still up ahead or if there are peaceful, calm and blissful times ahead for me and my family? It seems that most of the devotions I've been reading lately always have to do with how to trust God in the storms of life, or relying on God to provide for you even in the darkest of times, etc. The bottom line is that I dread thinking that the week ahead may have messages all revolving around getting through some tough times in my life. When I skip the current day's lesson and read what's up ahead in the next few days, I get even more discouraged if it's not something that seems like good times ahead for me. I find myself not wanting to go back and read the devotional anymore until I start to see some lessons that deal more with the lighter side of things in my spiritual walk. That, my friends, is an utter lack of trust in the Lord if I've ever heard one! So, why after all these years of being a Christian do I still struggle with trusting God COMPLETELY for the things in my life? So what if there are more storms in the near future waiting for me? With God as my provider, my comforter and guiding me along the path He has already chosen for me, what's really to worry about...right?
Here's my question folks...does anyone else do things like that? I'm sure it's safe to say that at least some of you still have some trouble trusting God completely on every level, but then again, maybe that's not such an issue for so many others. If you struggle in a similar fashion in your daily walk with God, Iet me hear a bit about your experiences and feelings on the issue! Thanks, friends!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What's In A Name?
What's in a name? Well, my mother and I were at my late grandmother's condo yesterday sorting through her belongings, since my mom & her sister are getting ready to sell the condo to an interested buyer in the next few weeks. We came across this old trunk in one of the bedrooms and I started asking questions about my grandmother's mother and grandmother. As we were discussing things, she mentioned that my grandmother, Nanny, had left a very valuable textbook manuscript to my aunt as part of her will. I asked my mom what the book was about and she replied that it was about something "boring"...LOL! Although, she did know that it was an extremely valuable handwritten book. She went and located the book and brought it out to show me. It was entitled, "The Life of William Henry of Lancaster, Pennsylvania (1729-1786)", written by Francis Jordan, Jr. My mom wasn't sure how this book ended up in the family or how the last name of the author, Jordan, was connected to William Henry. My grandmother's maiden name was Jordan. As my mom carefully opened up this book, I was truly amazed at the handwriting of every single page! It was written in a brownish-colored ink in an extremely beautiful something you would expect to see on a historic document such as The Declaration of Independence. There were even a few hand-drawn sketches of a steamboat boiler. Of course, without much technology back then, all books had to be written by hand. I was in awe of how perfect each sentence was written and how small the handwriting was, so that many sentences fit on each page. You can even see the small embossing/seal at the top corner of each page in the book just below.
Last night, I decided to do some more research to see if I could find out exactly who William Henry was and how my grandmother might be related to him. I was absolutely astonished at what I found out through Google! It turns out that William Henry is the great-great grandfather of Francis Jordan, Jr. (1843-1911). Who was William Henry? Apparently, he was the inventor of the steamboat and a military officer, among other things! He was a direct descendant of Patrick Henry, who is best known for the famous historical words, "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death". I felt like I was in the movie, "National Treasure", having found some long, lost, extremely valuable, historical artifact!
Francis Jordan, Jr. is the great, great (and possibly even more greats) grandfather of my late grandmother, Nancy Jordan! Mr. Jordan was a member and Vice-President of the American Philosophical Society in the 1800's and once a member of the Union Artillery Company. He was apparently an author of a series of books. His last literary work was the biography of his great, great-grandfather, William Henry. The book that my grandmother has passed on to our family is the first and only original manuscript of that book! I even found an online version of the actual type-written text of this book, word for word!
The penmanship is remarkable and makes you feel as if you are standing among a room full of our forefathers. I am just fascinated by the whole discovery and to think that it is actually a part of our lineage makes it that much more special to me!
The last several pages of this original manuscript contain a family tree of William Henry's descendants that once lived and that were still alive at the time this book was written, in 1860. I know that you can easily research your own family's ancestors online these days and create your family tree based on all kinds of information dating back many years. I just thought that this kind of research was too tedious and time-consuming, so I never really got involved in anything of that nature. But, this whole discovery makes me so intrigued now! I can't help but wonder how many others in this country have yet to discover their own family trees from years ago and have yet to put together the pieces of the giant puzzle that encompasses our nation's earliest years? So, I'd like to invite anyone reading this post to do some research of your own online and share with us what you may find out about your own family's heritage and lineage! I am sure that in one way or another we are all connected in some way, when you date things back to those early days of the 1700's and 1800's! Let me hear your stories, if you know any!!! You might be more surprised than you think at what you may find out!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
These are a few of my favorite things...
I wanted to post some pics of some of my favorite things that we bought while on vacation in North Carolina recently. Since my sister-in-law is anxious to see, I am posting them now, instead of waiting a few more days...LOL!!
I found this vintage cup and saucer set in one of my favorite little country gift stores in Black Mountain, NC, called, "Ivy Corner". They had the entire set including the dishes, soup bowls, platter, sugar bowl & creamer, and more open stock pieces in this pattern. I love pink roses and one day wish to collect some nice complete china sets in patterns like this one. But, for now, I just started with two sets of the cup & saucer. I placed it on our kitchen dining room table as a centerpiece. I just LOVE the romantic look of it!
This is one of my favorites already, too! I found this antique candy dish downstairs in Ivy Corner. They have two stories...the bottom floor is filled with true antiques of almost everything you can imagine. Anyway, this pink candy dish is by Anchor Hocking and was made in the 1930's. I love pink depression glass and one day hope to collect a full set of pink glass dishware, too. For now, I thought this petite candy dish was just so cute and lovely and it is my first official piece to start my antique collection of pink glass.

I purchased this pink rose table runner to place on our kitchen table, as well. It goes with a set of placemats in the same fabric that I bought a couple of years ago from the same store. It also complements my pink rose antique cup & saucer set, which I love! This stuff is right up my alley!

OK, I found this adorable hand-made purse at the Sourwood Festival in Black Mountain while we were there. Once a year, the town hosts the festival full of all kinds of craft vendors! I have seen similar purses on eBay recently and one day hoped to buy one online, but this one was a steal at $20 and it's made with all the fabric patterns and colors I toile, brown & white gingham, and pink & brown polka dots! It's surprisingly filled with plenty of space inside and some side pockets, too. I also like the raggedy edge look where the seams are sewed along the outside.

OK, this funny wooden sign I found in a gift store in Chimney Rock, NC. I love all the country signs with cute sayings you can find in all the gift shops up there! This one made me laugh so much because we had such a huge pile of undone laundry sitting right outside our laundry room while we were on vacation. The saying, "Laundry Gathers Here" seems mighty appropriate, since we never seem to have all our laundry completely caught up anyway. Scott already hung it on the ceiling right in front of the laundry room door, as you can see in the picture. It looks like it's floating in mid-air.
I found this vintage cup and saucer set in one of my favorite little country gift stores in Black Mountain, NC, called, "Ivy Corner". They had the entire set including the dishes, soup bowls, platter, sugar bowl & creamer, and more open stock pieces in this pattern. I love pink roses and one day wish to collect some nice complete china sets in patterns like this one. But, for now, I just started with two sets of the cup & saucer. I placed it on our kitchen dining room table as a centerpiece. I just LOVE the romantic look of it!
This is one of my favorites already, too! I found this antique candy dish downstairs in Ivy Corner. They have two stories...the bottom floor is filled with true antiques of almost everything you can imagine. Anyway, this pink candy dish is by Anchor Hocking and was made in the 1930's. I love pink depression glass and one day hope to collect a full set of pink glass dishware, too. For now, I thought this petite candy dish was just so cute and lovely and it is my first official piece to start my antique collection of pink glass.
I purchased this pink rose table runner to place on our kitchen table, as well. It goes with a set of placemats in the same fabric that I bought a couple of years ago from the same store. It also complements my pink rose antique cup & saucer set, which I love! This stuff is right up my alley!
OK, I found this adorable hand-made purse at the Sourwood Festival in Black Mountain while we were there. Once a year, the town hosts the festival full of all kinds of craft vendors! I have seen similar purses on eBay recently and one day hoped to buy one online, but this one was a steal at $20 and it's made with all the fabric patterns and colors I toile, brown & white gingham, and pink & brown polka dots! It's surprisingly filled with plenty of space inside and some side pockets, too. I also like the raggedy edge look where the seams are sewed along the outside.
OK, this funny wooden sign I found in a gift store in Chimney Rock, NC. I love all the country signs with cute sayings you can find in all the gift shops up there! This one made me laugh so much because we had such a huge pile of undone laundry sitting right outside our laundry room while we were on vacation. The saying, "Laundry Gathers Here" seems mighty appropriate, since we never seem to have all our laundry completely caught up anyway. Scott already hung it on the ceiling right in front of the laundry room door, as you can see in the picture. It looks like it's floating in mid-air.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Confessions of a Kindergarten Mom...Third Time Around
Well, this morning marks another milestone in our household. My youngest child started her first day of kindergarten. I'm sitting here at home not quite knowing what to do with myself. Usually, when my older two kids were off at school, I at least had Amanda home with me to keep me company. Except for the few days she would attend Pre-K herself. Now, all three of my little ones have stepped up to the big school, which means only one drop off and pick-up location for me this year! That's great news...but, on the other hand, I'm feeling a little blue today about the whole thing. This morning started out fine. I got myself up early enough to fix everyone some pancakes before getting ready for school. All backpacks, school supplies, and lunchboxes were ready to go. Then, as the kids were happily eating their pancakes, Chandler accidentally spilled orange juice all over Amanda's pretty skirt, which was freshly washed just for the occasion of her first day at school. The tears streaming down Amanda's face when she realized that the orange juice was more than just a mere spot on her skirt, but rather almost the entire side of it, just made my heart sink. She is such a girly-girl and loves to wear her skirts and jewelry, and even a touch of lipstick. I rinsed the skirt out and promptly put it into the dryer, hoping there would be enough time for it to dry before we had to head off to school. I think my little girl was braver and more prepared for the day mentally than myself. I offered to let her wait for her skirt to dry and hoped she would feel encouraged knowing that she could still wear her lovely outfit to school. But, she boldly yet calmly replied, "No. I will wear a different skirt." No more tears, no pouting, no look of dismay on her little angelic face. She was just ready to move on with her day! I am delighted that she didn't let a little mishap spoil her mindset for her big day. But, in my heart, I had just wanted everything to run smoothly this morning with no hiccups. I was secretly sad inside a little bit knowing that the substitute outfit she picked out wasn't what I had wanted for her to wear on her first day.
We made it off to school and as I corraled all three of them after getting out of the car at the school parking lot, hoping to take a picture of the three of them on this big day, I couldn't ignore that frown on my oldest daughter's face. You know, that rolling of the eyes kind of look where you're 9-year-old is already showing her independence by not wanting to be seen taking pictures with her younger siblings right outside the front of the school for all her schoolmates and their parents to see. That's when my heart sunk a little bit lower today. I know it may be kid stuff and somewhat normal, but it serves as another reminder that all my kiddies are indeed growing up. Thankfully, Amanda was all too happy and proud to pose and smile for the occasion. Little Chandler in the middle just rolls along with the agenda not making waves about anything. We stopped off at Amanda's class first and all was well. Then, it was upstairs to Chandler's 2nd grade classroom. We waited for a few minutes outside the class in the hallway, as the teacher was not letting the students in yet. All the while, big sister Sierra reminding me we needed to go to her classroom, too. This is too much for one mom to conquer alone. Delivering three kids to three different classrooms on two separate floors of the school within a 15-minute window of time. So, I kissed Chandler goodbye and followed Sierra off to her class. She strutted right in along with her new classmates and barely looked at me as I reminded her that her papers I had filled out for her teacher were in her backpack. Such a big 4th grader now doesn't need to be reminded of such things, I suppose. At least, that's what she wants me to believe. As I saw that my presence was no longer needed, I felt a little more sad. So, what does this mom decide to do next? Why, it was off to Chandler's classroom once again! He was still sitting in the hallway with his peers when I approached. Why wasn't their teacher letting them into the room yet? After all, the bell was going to ring in the next 5 minutes. Finally, the classroom door opened and I was able to help Chandler get settled.
Then, off to the "Boo Hoo" Breakfast for parents of kindergarteners. Though I did not cry, my soul inside was still a little sad just knowing that this was it. The last time I would send a kindergartener off to their very first day of school. I wish I could say that since this is the third time I have sent a kindergartener off to school on their first day, that it gets easier. But, honestly, it doesn't get any easier. If anything, it is more difficult because this is my last baby out of the nest. Now, for the finale of today's events, I have found out since picking the kids up from school that Orange County Public Schools will be closed for the day tomorrow due to the impending tropical storm. In a way, that's actually good news for this mom! It means I get an extra day of "summer" with my three kiddos before sending them back to school. Thank goodness for small blessings that come in disguises...LOL!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
We're Back...
Well, we are officially back from our vacation in the mountains! I was not ready to return, but all good things must come to an end I suppose. The kids start back at school this coming Monday, so our trip was a great break before another busy school year for everyone! Scott shared many more details on his own blog (Serotonin Drip) about the trip, so I won't reiterate the details, but I have included some of our more favorite pictures below. I'll be featuring some pictures of some of my most favorite things we bought on the trip in another day or so. I still need to take photos of the items I want to feature first. For now, just enjoy these pics below...
Randy and the kids enjoying a morning walk exploring the nearby woods and mountains.
Mom and the kids on their mountain exploration walk.
The girls modeling their matching tie-dye dresses we bought at the Sourwood Festival.

The kids being silly at a local park in Montreat, North Carolina (about 5 mins. from mom & Randy's home)! This is just down the road from where Billy Graham and his late wife, Ruth, live(d).
My favorite picture of the kids at the park!
Picture of a Lake Lure tourboat on Lake Lure, N.C. This is the same type of boat we went on that day as we toured Lake Lure. For your reference, this is also where the Chimney Rock monument is located.
A mountain home on Lake Lure (view from our own tour boat). Many famous movies have been filmed on this beautiful lake, such as Dirty Dancing (starring Jennifer Grey & Patrick Swayze) and Firestarter (Stephen King novel). The famous scene where Jennifer Gray & Patrick Swayze are practicing their dance & lift moves in the water was filmed on this lake in a location similar to this photo.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
"Are We There Yet?"
Hi, folks! Just wanted to let you know that if you've clicked onto my blog, I am out of town this week on vacation! We'll be enjoying some slightly cooler weather in the mountains of North Carolina! I'll be sure to post pics when we return! ~Becky
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Virtual Garage Sale- Baby Items!!
I am selling a couple of important must-haves for parents! I have two items that have been unused and stored in our garage for quite some time. It's time to do some spring/summer cleaning! If you or someone you know is in need of either of these items, please email me at or give me a call! >>>(407) 207-2383<<< Both items come from a smoke-free home.

Graco Pack & Play with Bassinet & changing table attachments! >>> $35 <<<
~sage green in color
~comes w/handy storage compartment for all your baby toiletries which attaches to the side of the crib (can detach, as well)
~comes w/handy zip-up storage bag and has a handle for carrying
~changing table features a safety strap/buckle for infants while you change their diaper
~comes w/a pink & white gingham crib sheet (there are some brown spots on the mattress pad due to being stored over time in the heat of our garage)

Graco DuoGlider Double Stroller!! Sorry, this item has now already sold!! >>> $50 <<<
~nice denim-colored fabric with pattern on the seats
~both overhead canopies included which can detach if needed (in near perfect condition)
~great-sized storage compartment underneath for baby bags, other items
~folds up easily for storage and fits into virtually any trunk space
~handy parking brakes at the rear for keeping stroller parked in one place if needed
~both front & rear seats recline (rear one reclines completely if needed for baby to sleep)
Graco Pack & Play with Bassinet & changing table attachments! >>> $35 <<<
~sage green in color
~comes w/handy storage compartment for all your baby toiletries which attaches to the side of the crib (can detach, as well)
~comes w/handy zip-up storage bag and has a handle for carrying
~changing table features a safety strap/buckle for infants while you change their diaper
~comes w/a pink & white gingham crib sheet (there are some brown spots on the mattress pad due to being stored over time in the heat of our garage)
Graco DuoGlider Double Stroller!! Sorry, this item has now already sold!! >>> $50 <<<
~nice denim-colored fabric with pattern on the seats
~both overhead canopies included which can detach if needed (in near perfect condition)
~great-sized storage compartment underneath for baby bags, other items
~folds up easily for storage and fits into virtually any trunk space
~handy parking brakes at the rear for keeping stroller parked in one place if needed
~both front & rear seats recline (rear one reclines completely if needed for baby to sleep)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Just some samples of cards I've made using Stampin' Up stamps and materials...
I thought I'd display some samples of cards I have made over the years using Stampin' Up stamp sets and materials! I first posted some photos earlier which were more blurry and I later figured out (thanks to my hubby) that I had neglected to use the Macro setting when taking them. This normally allows you to take close-up shots in focus. Thankfully, I was able to retake all of the pictures and they turned out much clearer!

"Hello" card...perfect for any occasion to keep in touch with friends and family!

"You take the cake" birthday card featuring my two favorite colors together, pink & brown! This is one of my personal favorites!

"Thank You" card...because you can never have enough of these...perfect for any time of the year!

"French Script" vintage-style birthday card with vellum overlay...perfect for the men in your life...not too floral!

"Merry Christmas" card with light blue cardstock and featuring Dazzling Diamonds glitter snowflakes...perfect for a wintery touch to your holiday cards!

"Noel"...Christmas card in red and green using watercolor chalk rub-on technique!

"Basket Full of Warm Wishes"...birthday card using Crystal Effects lacquer over the flowers!
"Hello" card...perfect for any occasion to keep in touch with friends and family!
"You take the cake" birthday card featuring my two favorite colors together, pink & brown! This is one of my personal favorites!
"Thank You" card...because you can never have enough of these...perfect for any time of the year!
"French Script" vintage-style birthday card with vellum overlay...perfect for the men in your life...not too floral!
"Merry Christmas" card with light blue cardstock and featuring Dazzling Diamonds glitter snowflakes...perfect for a wintery touch to your holiday cards!
"Noel"...Christmas card in red and green using watercolor chalk rub-on technique!
"Basket Full of Warm Wishes"...birthday card using Crystal Effects lacquer over the flowers!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Golden Girl gone...

It is the beginning of the end of an era. Estelle Getty, otherwise known as Sophia Petrillo on the 80's sitcom, Golden Girls, passed away yesterday. She was just a few days shy of her 85th birthday. She was perhaps, the funniest of the four characters on that show. I always loved that show and I still enjoy watching reruns which are still playing on TV today! I love their dry sense of humor and quick wit in those episodes which made the series so famous back then!
The other actresses, Rue McClanahan, Bea Arthur, and Betty White, are all still alive. However, two of them are older than Ms. Getty was. So I can only assume that it won't be long before the world says goodbye to the rest of that funny cast in due time. Such a shame. What an original cast and series that was!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
My niece, Leighton's, 2nd Birthday Party!
Here's a picture of my sweetie, Leighton, and me yesterday! My family celebrated my niece's 2nd birthday yesterday at my mom's house! It was a great day and all the cousin's and grandparents had fun!

The birthday girl posing with her daddy (my brother), Mark...

The kids playing party games outside...

Here's the special "Ooh-La-La" birthday cake!

The birthday girl posing with her daddy (my brother), Mark...

The kids playing party games outside...

Here's the special "Ooh-La-La" birthday cake!

Friday, June 27, 2008
Sisters-in-law are great!

Having a sister-in-law has been a great blessing to me since my brother got married three years ago! Diana and I have a lot in common and I am proud to say that we get along great! I never had a sister growing up, so it's really cool now to benefit from a "sis" now that I am older. It's fun to share ideas and tastes!
I have to thank Diana especially for giving me the idea (and link, too) of a really neat website that I haven't seen before. It has really unique, adorable and FREE blog backgrounds. Thanks to Diana's inspiration on her own blog page, I was able to find the adorable pink and chocolate brown, polka-dot pattern now as my background for this blog! Visit the link at the top left corner of my page for "The Cutest Blog on the Block"! Maybe you, too, will be inspired to change things up a bit on your own blog front!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"If it comes in pink, I'll take it!"

Just wanted to post a quick blog entry about this gorgeous pink Morganite and Tourmaline ring I saw the other day on QVC! I would LOVE to buy this ring! But, it's $289...OUCH!!!! I love all things pink and I figured at least posting a picture of it on my blog might brighten my day. If I can't buy one, at least I can look at it whenever I want...LOL!!! I guess I'm just in a "pink" mood right now!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Danger in east Orlando!
I hate to write about something so negative and disturbing, but it's been on my mind the past few days and I just have to write down my thoughts. I just can't believe the area of town we live in has become so cruel and violent. I've grown up in Orlando and lived in east Orlando since I was 11 years old. The tragic story of the young UCF grad student named, Nicole Ganguzza, just makes my stomach turn in knots. I had called the Blanchard Park YMCA on Wednesday afternoon this week to inquire about signing up the kids for some more swimming lessons. They went there last summer and it was a success, so I figured that another year of refreshing swim lessons wouldn't hurt. As I was talking to the man on the phone at the YMCA, he briefly mentioned that Blanchard Park was closed down by the police due to an incident. I figured it might be something like a robbery or some other fairly minor occurrence. I didn't question him further about it and continued with my inquiry about the swim lessons. Well, while at work on Wednesday night, I went to the WFTV Channel 9 News website just to see what's been happening in town lately. The top story was that they had just found this 26-year-old's body that evening. She had gone missing from Blanchard Park just the night before. No wonder the YMCA had been shut down! The police were still in the process of searching for her in the park when I had first contacted the YMCA. Now, they had found her and the few details being released just make me sick to my stomach. She was working on her master's degree at UCF as a marriage and family therapist and was already working as a counselor. She was also married. The attack occurred some time between 6pm and 7pm on Tuesday night, which is in broad daylight because it does not get dark these days until after 8:30pm. She had been in touch with her family around 5:30pm just before going on her routine jog. After 7pm, they became concerned since she was not answering her cell phone. Their worst fears were confirmed when her body was found about 2 miles from Blanchard Park where her vehicle was parked. It was along a nature trail that runs adjacent to the Econ River. I am so sickened to think this happened in broad daylight in an area of town that I live in! There is no reason why this had to occur and it could have just as easily happened to myself or anyone I know and love. The investigators are beginning to suspect that there is a potential serial rapist living in the area. There have been two previous attempts at abduction and rape in the past two years which happened around the Dean Rd. area near Blanchard Park. Those incidents involved young women who were running in or near that trail. Those women were both fortunate enough to have escaped! Sadly, Nicole Ganguzza was not so lucky.
The latest update from the news website is stating that investigators are canvassing the area and questioning several nearby dwellings where homeless people are known to frequent. There is not much else I can say about this awful story, except to remind all women that if you must take a walk or go for some exercise by yourself outside, whether it's in your own neighborhood or at a local park, be sure to carry along a cell phone with you at ALL TIMES and perhaps some sort of weapon like a Swiss Army knife or something of that sort. These days, it doesn't even matter what time of day it is, whether it's daylight outside or safe and be prepared to protect yourself!
Have you seen this man?

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