Well, I caved today while shopping for a few things at Publix. I did not want to push around a large grocery cart since I only needed a few things. I made the mistake of thinking that I could actually just carry a few things I needed by hand up to the checkout counter. As usual whenever I make that silly decision, I ended up needing something to carry my stuff in, but had neglected to grab a carry-all basket near the store entrance upon arriving. So, what did I do? Well, I caved and decided to buy a few of those 99cent Publix fabric bags that are non-disposable. I have told myself for years now that I would NEVER spend money on one of those type of things if I had to spend more than $1 for one. After all, for some reason it always bugged me to spend money on a carryout bag. I am not typically a "green" person who is always making sound choices based on saving the environment. In fact, I guess I am what you might call a true American "consumer", in just about every sense of that word.
Anyway, the Publix fabric reusable shopping bags used to be priced at $1.99 a piece for a while. I was not going to spend $10 on five bags. But, today, I relented and decided to spend $4 on 4 bags at 99cents each (actually, that comes out to $3.96 total...LOL). So, I guess I am now one of those "green" people concerned about saving some trees and helping the environment in some small way. I actually bought some in different colors (tan, black and green). We'll see if I end up loving my choice in the future. For now, though, it is just one more thing I will have to keep stored conveniently in my overstuffed minivan. Since I am the type who never remembers to bring along store coupons after taking the time to cut them out, I am also likely to forget to bring these Publix reusable carryout bags to the grocery store, too. The only way this will work out to be a benefit to me is if I keep them constantly stored in the car. Thanks to Cathy Martin (www.cathy.likeafire.net) for the inspiration, by the way (she wrote a blog post about this weeks ago)! It helps knowing that you're not the only one making decisions to go "green"..LOL!
For the record, I am still voting Republican, by the way!! So, don't think I've changed my mind for presidential candidate this coming election...LOL!! And another thing...when are they gonna' add a cents key on the computer keyboards anyway? They have one for the $ symbol.
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