During the recent Christmas break, I had a chance to read a great book! It's called, "90 Minutes in Heaven", by Don Piper. I actually stumbled upon this book while browsing some of the new releases in the Christian/Inspirational books section of Barnes and Noble. Initially, I saw the companion follow-up book to this one by the same author called, "Heaven Is Real". When I read the summary of the newer book, I was immediately intrigued by its precursor, "90 Minutes in Heaven". I also mistakenly thought that the author was John Piper, a Christian author whom I have heard nothing but great things about from friends in my LIFE group at church. So, naturally, I thought if this book was written by him, all the more reason to take a gamble and purchase the book to see how great he really must be as an author. Well, it turns out that I had the wrong name...Don Piper isn't John Piper, but Don Piper happens to be a Christian, as well! Boy, was I in for a treat! This book is amazing and truly one that will keep you looking forward to each new chapter! I don't read books from cover-to-cover that often, but I was able to finish this book in about 4-5 days, which for me is pretty fast! It is so exciting to read about someone's personal experience having actually died and been to Heaven, only to return to earth once again! I must say that is definitely something you don't read about every day! Mr. Piper actually describes in detail the circumstances which led to his death and the entire 90-minute experience he had while being temporarily taken to a completely new realm and dimension. I was surprised that much of what he explains to have experienced is quite similar to what a fellow believer in Christ and the Heavenly kingdom-to-come might expect it to be like! I have always been so curious about exactly what awaits us on the other side when we pass from this life to the next! Reading this book gives me such renewed hope in the future that awaits for all those who are believers in Christ and it is comforting to know that we will see our loved ones who have passed before us, once again, literally waiting for us at Heaven's gates! I am anxious to read Mr. Piper's newest book, "Heaven is Real", which is a follow-up to this one! If you have ever been curious about Heaven and what awaits (and I am sure we ALL are curious), then be sure to pick up a copy of this book to read!
what a joyful blog & I am loving your playlist!!
This was a very informative book about heaven and life afer death. The realness is overwhelming! Every human being needs to read this and know that heaven is for real. I could not put this book down until I had finished it, then I could not get it out of my mind. I want to read more like this truth about heaven.
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