BEWARE MOTHERS...AND EVERYONE ELSE!!!!Have you heard of the "Smash and Grab" crimes that are happening more and more frequently these days? I just got home from taking Amanda to her preschool this morning and as I was coming out of the building and walking to my car, one of the other preschool moms came up to me frantically saying that someone had just broken her car window and stolen her purse out of her car! It all happened literally within a 5-minute window of time because I had just seen this woman walking with her little girl to the school as I was pulling up to park! By the time I came back out, the crime was already done and over with! These thieves are getting more and more brazen as they sit and literally wait and watch the moms as they leave their vehicles for only a few minutes while walking their child into school! I have heard of this before and my own stepmother had the same thing happen to her a few months ago while at a Country Club parking lot. Another mother I used to know in a Mom's Club group I used to attend also had this happen to her around 9:30am in the morning while taking her child to preschool. So, let this post serve as a reminder not to leave your purse or any money, valuables, etc. unattended in your vehicles (locked or not) for even a minute!!! Times are more and more desperate and thieves will do this in broad daylight! It's called, "Smash and Grab" and they are literally gone within minutes from the scene of the crime, before anyone has a chance to figure out what has happened or gotten a glimpse of the suspects. Today's incident involved several witnesses who were able to describe the car as a black Dodge Magnum with three males inside. They even were able to tell the police what direction the vehicle was headed out onto SR 436. But, without a license plate #, I am sure it will be difficult for the police to make any arrests. What really left me feeling shaken up is that I had almost parked right next to the lady's car this morning, but didn't because suddenly a closer parking space near the building had just become vacant. Her car was on the end in this grassy parking area. My purse was in my car and this definitely could have happened to me, too! This lady's entire front driver's side window was completely smashed and on the ground. There was nothing left of the window in the door.
What a pain in the butt for this mom now to have to not only have her minivan window replaced, but to have to contact all her credit card companies, banks, driver's license office, etc. just to prevent any potential for further loss.
Wow! Our preschool warned about this a few months ago. honestly, I still didn't really change much. most of the time I do remember to put it down under the center console of my van. But I really should just take it with me. Thanks for the reminder.
I know, me, too. I always think about that when I park to drop off Amanda, but then I figure that there's too many people coming and going at the same time from the preschool that no one would even have a chance to get away with it! I guess I was wrong!!! Even though I try to hide my purse usually towards the back or under a blanket or jacket, at this point I don't think that's enough to dissuade them...they'll stop at nothing!
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