Sunday, October 07, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes...

This is funny! I just got this email tonight from Amanda's preschool teacher. It was in the form of a newsletter to the parents and she thought it would be cute to show the parents a glimpse of some of the conversations that these little 4 and 5-year-olds carry on throughout their days at preschool! You'll get a few good laughs too...

Conversations and observations from the first few months of school:
(in no particular order of time or occurrence or actually… meaning!)

Over heard in homeliving area:
Child is holding the pvc play phone to ear, looking out window and passionately holds
the following conversation: “ I cannot deal with this now. I am busy. I will be home in a while and we will discuss this. I just can’t deal with it now. I am on my way and we will discuss it”

Asked of myself by a child while working one on one: “Miss Geina, aren’t I pretty today?” my reply, “yes, you are”
child…”well, you know we are rich”. Me…”no, I did not know that” child…”oh yeah, we have so much money, it is all over”. Me…”really, wow, that’s nice”.
child…”my daddy works and works and we have just soooo much money”
Me…”well, what do you do with all that money?” child…” well, after my daddy pays some bills with some of the money he give the rest to my mama and she just shops and shops. She loves to shop cause we are rich”.
Me…” so mommy likes to shop?” child…”yeah,that is what she does…cause we are so rich.
Me…”well you do look pretty today” child…” yeah, I know”

Complaint from a child to me during center play:
Miss Geina, I can’t play with her if she won’t marry me”. Me…”well, sweetie, maybe she doesn’t want to get married. can’t you play nicely without getting married?” child…”well, I guess so, but I am already dressed (had a huge man’s coat on). Me…”did you ask her what she wants to play before you got dressed?” child… “I did ask her”. Me…”and..what did she say?” child…” she said no”. Me…well, sweetie, I guess she wants to do something else and not get married today”. child…”but I have the coat”. Me…”so take it off and play something else if you wish”. child calling off “wedding” enters conversation…”miss Geina, I told him I don’t want to get married”. Me…well, honey you don’t have to get married…you can just play in your center”. child left at alter,(so to speak)…” I thought you wanted to get married”.
Other child with hands on hips,”oh okay, I’ll marry you if first we can play in the sand center”. And they lived happily ever after………….

Child to me as we are getting ready to dance,” Miss Geina, you always say shake your booty”.
“that’s so funny. My mommy loves to shake her booty”

Child, after class being asked to sit crisscross applesauce on carpet for story time…”Miss Geina, I’ll just sit with you”. Me…”no sweetie, you need to sit with your friends”.
Child… “I can’t” Me…”well why not?” Child…”my mommy says I need to sit with you and hold the book”. (what could I say….i let the child sit there…one time!)

Child while working in small group with me,” I am sad Miss Geina”. Me…”oh honey, I am so sorry. What is wrong?” child…”my sister won’t play with me”. Me…”did you ask her to and she said no?” child, “uh-huh”. Me “well, perhaps if you ask her nicely again”. Child: “I did and she said NO, I don’t want to play with you!” Me:”that is sad” Child: “yeah, and she gets on my bed” Me: “you might ask her nicely,again”. child: “it won’t do any good, she say no and she won’t get off my bed” Me: “well what can you do about it?” Child:” I guess nothing. it’s a situation.” (I wish I could show you the hand gestures…they were a hoot!)

Overheard coming from homeliving: “ You need to be the cat now. it is your turn” “But I am not going to feed you!”

Lunch time is the mother lode of conversation and adventure into uncharted territories! Here is a post card version
of some of my favorites:

Child,(laughing so hard) “ look at this…my mommy packed me a sandwich for lunch! What was she thinking!”. =0)

I am used to their little tricky selves telling me “my mommy says to each my cookie first”. Sure she did! I don’t even say anything anymore. I just give the the “look” make my speech as follows……..

Miss Geina repeating daily speech,” don’t eat the goodie until you eat the good stuff” child: “miss Geina, I cannot eat this” Me: “what’s wrong with it honey?” Child” I just can’t eat it” Me” let me ck it, (after smelling it),
it seems okay, I think it is good”. This went back and forth for a couple of minutes. Finally the child said,
Miss Geina, I cannot eat this bologna”. Me: “why”. child: “this bologna smells just like my mother”. end of conversation…..i had no idea where to go with it!!! hehe.

Hopefully, you can tell our days are full and fun. Never a dull moment. The babies are so bright and the sunshine in my day. I simply adore each of them.

Time to close this book. I hope you enjoyed this bird’s eye view of our room. With time I will share more musings from my little flock………but not the names……..must continue to protect the innocent! Thank you for the honor and joy of sharing Christ and academia with these wee ones.

Loving the wee ones,

Miss Geina

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